Improving your personal life.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Be Happy! Why Worry?

Worry is a silent killer.  It is like a slow poison.  It is a chronic illness.  In fact, it is an illness which is many fold dreadful than the physical illnesses.  Worry not only affects our body but our mind too.

If you think seriously, you would find that it is really no use worrying about anything.  It is really foolish to worry about past or future.  Nobody can change the past.  Whatever has happened has happened.  Why worry?  How can something that has yet not come to pass affect us?  How are we so certain that the future is so bleak?  Things may turn out well.  Why worry then?  Worrying just tires us and diminishes our capacity of clear thinking and planning.  It promotes negative thinking.  Instead of worrying we should use positive affirmations and resolutions.

If worry could solve the problem, everybody would worry as much as possible.  Problem solving requires clear thinking and planning.  But worry makes us incapable of clear thinking and planning.  Many things, if they are going to happen, will happen regardless of our worry.   If it is going to rain, it will.

We worry for small things.  The worst-case scenario may not even be bad enough to worry.  You have made your boss angry.  You worry that he may fire you.  What of it?  That is not the end of the world.  You are still alive.  Perhaps you would get a better job.  You dread to go to the office next day.  You think of sending in your resignation letter.  Worrying you reach office.  The boss calls you.  He apologizes.  It was his mistake!

Not only we should not worry about little things, but we should also not worry about seemingly big things. The things that seem today very big and important will seem trifle tomorrow.  In your student life you must have worried for days about the wrong answer you gave, even though you knew the right answer, to an objective type of question carrying just half mark.  How much you worried about a dress on a special occasion, meeting a boy or girl whom you fancied, or the change of residence of a friend’s family?  Do these matter a bit today?  Why worry about spilled milk, or a broken glass, or a missed bus?

Of course, no body worries for the sake of worrying.  Worry just comes into mind and then never leaves.  But many people never worry.  It seems that worrying is a sort of bad habit.   As all bad habits the habit of worrying is also difficult to get rid of.  So, in the first instance, never make worrying a habit.  Secondly, try to divert your mind.  Think of positive things.  Get busy with some physical activity.  Keep yourself away from people who are habitually worrying type and who always see the negative side of a thing.

Instead of useless worrying, one should take positive action: BE HAPPY!