Improving your personal life.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Improving the Quality of your personal life

Is your personal life in an uproar, how is your self esteem? Everyone always has room for improvement; yet, some of us need more than others do.

There are ways to improve yourself once you ask yourself “what do I need to do to improve.” Maybe sitting down and writing a list of things that you don’t like about yourself could help. Make sure you prioritize them making the most important one on top and the less important on the bottom. Everyday work on this list checking off each one as you feel it is getting better. Remember don’t stop improving them just because you’ve put a check beside it. It takes time to make changes but you can do it.

Are you working full or part time, if not volunteer if need be? Get busy and don’t just lie around the house doing nothing. Keeping busy and helping others always helps. By helping others, you learn that someone else in the world has it worse than you do. A job always helps especially if you are stressed out about paying a bill and there is no money to pay. Every dollar you make is one dollar more than you had yesterday.

Volunteer to work at the library a couple of hours a day or maybe just one day a week. The nearest hospital is probably in need of a volunteer if nothing just to talk to the ones that are alone and no one comes to see them. Helping others always makes you feel better especially if you can see they enjoyed or benefited from it.

Take a little time out of each day for yourself. You can’t be any good to other people if you don’t take care of yourself. Draw a bathtub of bubbles and relax, go for a walk alone or maybe go to the library and read, bring a book home to read and relax. A little something for yourself each day really helps to relax you and it can make you feel better.

How about doing a little exercising; if you’re not already doing it try it and see how it helps relieve stress. After a while, you’ll notice how you will look forward to exercising alone or with a friend. If you walk with a friend don’t talk about your problems, keep the pace up and talk about the weather or maybe something you’re going to do for your tomorrow. Eventually you’ll notice how much better you feel getting out and taking care of yourself.
Do you watch much TV? Sometimes the news can make a person depressed but then again it can be educational and give you something to discuss with friends or family. Watch the weather and when you’re walking talk, about what is supposed to happen tomorrow; will it rain or snow. The news makes a good conversation when talking to other people.

Go out and visit someone once a week maybe. Get out of the house and be with a friend other than cleaning house when you’re at home. If you don’t have, many friends go make some new ones. Meeting friends is something you can do when you’re volunteering your time; when at the library talk to the librarian when you are checking out that book. New friends can be anywhere if you’re willing to talk. Don’t be afraid if you don’t make a new one every time you talk to someone; just is, yourself and someone else will be there to be the friend you need or want in your life.

Remember life is short, if you need a little improvement here and there, that’s ok. No one is perfect and you can only change the quality of life you have.